Non-US groups that have a nationally registered SCA-like organization in their country (e.g. Sweden, Finland, Netherlands) are not required to follow the portions of these policies that directly conflict with laws of their national organization. The purpose of reports from any group is to inform the Kingdom of the health of its groups and aid in decisions when letting groups hold Kingdom events.
These Financial Policies exist as an Addendum to the Society Financial Policy and, except as noted above, shall be followed by each branch and recognized incipient branch of the Kingdom of Drachenwald as if incorporated within the Laws of the Kingdom of Drachenwald. This Financial Policy will be incorporated as an Appendix of Drachenwald Kingdom Law.
A.Structure of the Financial Committee
The Kingdom level Financial Committee members jointly bear the fiduciary responsibilities of managing the Kingdom’s assets.
- The Kingdom Financial Committee shall consist of the Crown, Kingdom Seneschal, and Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer. The Crown shall have a single vote on committee items.
- All decisions and approvals made by the Council of the Exchequer are to be made by consensus. If this fails, the decision will be revisited at a later date. If this also fails, the decision will be referred to the next exchequer level above (e.g. for the Kingdom Financial committee this will be referred to the Society Exchequer). Consensus is achieved when all the members of the Financial Committee agree that consensus has been achieved regardless of the outcome of the decision being made.
- Principality Committees shall consist of at least the Coronet, Principality Seneschal, and Principality Chancellor of the Exchequer. The Coronet shall have a single vote on committee items.
- Baronial Committees shall consist of at least the Baron and/or Baroness, Baronial Seneschal, and Baronial Exchequer. The Baron and/or Baroness shall have a single vote on committee items.
- All other branch committees will consist of at least the branch Seneschal, the branch Exchequer and one other branch officer.
- Decisions and approvals shall be made at either face-to-face meetings, called as and when necessary, or via email consultation. Items shall be decided within 1 month of a request being made.
- If an emergency decision or approval is required, the meeting shall be conducted by phone consultation or email consultation co-ordinated by the exchequer and a decision will be made within 3 days.
- The term of office serving as part of the financial committee shall be the same as the term for which the post is held qualifying the person for the office (i.e. for the duration of warrant as Seneschal or Exchequer, for the duration of tenure for Royalty)
B. Revisions of Financial Policy
- These Policies must be revised whenever appropriate due to changes in mundane law, Corpora or Society Financial Policy.
- The Kingdom Exchequer shall review this policy annually and propose any necessary changes to the Kingdom Financial Committee.
- All proposed changes to the financial policy will be submitted in writing to the Kingdom Financial Committee for review. Any member of the Drachenwald populace may submit proposed changes.
- Proposals will be approved or denied by consensus of the Kingdom Financial Committee.
- Following approval by the Financial Committee, the revised financial policy shall be sent to the Society Exchequer for approval
- The revisions to the Financial Policy shall be printed in Dragons’ Tale, following approval by the Financial Committee, the Society Exchequer, and the Board of Directors.
C. Becoming a Branch Exchequer
- In order to become a branch Exchequer, either the branch seneschal or the outgoing exchequer should assist the new exchequer in completing a Request For Warrant letter or email, which will be sent to the Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer. Along with the Request for Warrant letter, the following items must be included:
- Proof of identification, which includes a photo. This can be can be a copy of a driver's license, military ID card, passport or other legal identification.
- Proof of SCA membership, which can be a copy of their membership card, newsletter mailing label, registry printout, or a letter from the Society stating membership. Note that scans sent by email are acceptable.
- All exchequers must be 18 years or older
- Upon approval, the Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer will issue a warrant for two years.
- The Term of Office shall be two years long, and no Exchequer should serve more than two consecutive terms.
- For affiliate organisations, as a minimum the organisation’s Exchequer shall provide contact details to the Kingdom Exchequer.
D. Branch Exchequer Responsibilities.
- Become familiar with the Laws and Policies governing the use and control of branch assets as outlined in the Society Financial Policy, Chancellor of the Exchequer Kingdom Officer’s Reference Handbook, Chancellor of the Exchequer Branch Officer’s Reference Handbook and the Drachenwald Financial policy.
- Become familiar with your country's laws regulating clubs and societies and not for profit organisations.
- Attend as many local branch meetings as possible.
- Contact the Regional or Kingdom Exchequer for aid and guidance when needed.
- Read the Kingdom Exchequer's letter in the Dragon's Tale, where any proposed changes in policy or procedure will be noted first.
- Report as required (see section I)
- Set Budgets as required (see section F)
- Keep records as required (see section E) and administer the branch bank accounts (see section H)
E. Financial accounts and accounting.
- With the exception of the Chroniclers funds, all funds of the Kingdom of Drachenwald shall be kept in a central Kingdom account, the books of which shall be maintained by the Kingdom Exchequer. A ledger detailing all transaction shall be maintained.
- Exchequers shall disburse funds only with the agreement of the Financial Committee for that branch.
- Receipts are required for reimbursements. In exceptional circumstances, where no receipt exists, a written justification signed by the requestor and the branch Exchequer will be accepted.
- All re-imbursements shall be made by cheque or international transfer from the group’s bank account
- Emergency expenditures will be handled on a case-by-case basis with the branch Financial Committee.
- The Kingdom should receive 50% of the profits from the five major Kingdom Events as defined by kingdom law. The profits from Kingdom Events will be transferred to the Kingdom at the same time as the event finance report is filed with the Kingdom. This money shall be split between Kingdom General Funds and Kingdom Travel Fund.
- Autocrats are encouraged to donate a portion of event profits (from events other than the five major Kingdom Events) to the Kingdom coffers.
- For events where a Non-member surcharge is due (currently Crown Tourney and Coronation), then a sum of 3 Euros per non-member attendee shall be paid to Kingdom. If the event is held within one of the affiliate organisations, then no fee for non-members needs to be paid.
- Payment of Heraldic submissions shall be to the Kingdom account.
- The submitter will inform the Kingdom Exchequer and the Kingdom Herald about his/her payment to the Kingdom account and the type of submission (name and /or device). The Kingdom Exchequer shall notify the Kingdom Herald when payment has been received and shall perform an annual reconciliation with the Kingdom Herald about the amount held.
F. Budgeting
- Annual budgets shall be established for the Kingdom including the Crown and Kingdom Officers. Copies of these shall be provided to the Society Exchequer.
- The Kingdom budget needs to include items like transportation, repair, and/or refurbishment of Kingdom Regalia; and costs for Kingdom awards, such as medallions, parchment and other scroll supplies, etc. Once preliminary amounts have been established by the Financial Committee, the money can be disbursed without first contacting the Financial Committee for re-approval.
- Telephone expenses shall only be covered if an emergency occurs which makes fast response necessary.
- The Kingdom Financial Committee must approve expenditures exceeding the limits of the budget. Any funds remaining at the end of the year will be directed back to the General Fund, unless specifically stated otherwise in the preceding budget, or by the action of the Kingdom Financial Committee.
- The branch Exchequer shall be involved to setting budgets for events held by their branch and determining what complementary registrations shall be given. Any complementary registrations are at the discretion of the branch running the event.
G. Controlling Cash
- No funds may be disbursed from gate receipts.
- Gate records must be kept at events.
- Gate receipts shall be deposited into an SCA account within 14 days of the end of the event.
H. Bank Accounts
- All funds held by the branches or Kingdom Offices in American banks shall be held in an account in the name of the 'SCA, Inc -, with the SCA Tax number on the account.
- Branches or Kingdom Offices, which have funds in Non-American banks, will be held in the name of the “SCA - ”.
- Branches or Kingdom Offices which have funds in banks where H.1 or H.2. cannot be implemented due to that country’s banking laws will discuss with the Kingdom Exchequer and the Kingdom Seneschal to agree an alternative procedure.
- For any bank account held by a branch or Kingdom office, where possible, the account shall require a minimum of 2 signatories to withdraw money. These signatories shall not live in the same domicile. Where a multiple signatory account is not possible due to local banking constraints, any cheque or form withdrawing money shall be countersigned by a second person, even though not required by the bank. This second person must not live in the same domicile as the signatory on the account. Where local banking practice does not provide a suitable form or cheque for signature, a letter permitting the withdrawal, stating the amount and the person/organisation to be paid, shall be prepared by the local branch exchequer and signed by both signatories.
I. Reporting
- All exchequer reports are required regardless of the type of funds or the bank the funds are held in. The group's Exchequer and Seneschal shall sign the reports at least once a year (Doomsday report). A copy of the group’s bank statement shall be provided with the report.
- Event reports shall be provided to either the Kingdom Exchequer or Regional deputy within 60 days of any event held within the Kingdom (for affiliate organisations these only need to be provided to the Kingdom Exchequer for Kingdom level events). Event reports shall be signed by the branch Exchequer and either the Seneschal or event Autocrat. Branches should retain a copy of the report and all receipts. Note that preparation of the event report is the responsibility of the event Autocrat, but must be reviewed by the branch Exchequer.
- Event finance, quarterly, and doomsday report forms are available, from the Kingdom Exchequer, or on the Drachenwald website.
- Groups within a Barony, Province or Principality file quarterly reports with the Baronial/Provincial/Principality Exchequer in accordance with the the Society Financial Policy and Chancellor of the Exchequer Branch Officer’s Reference Handbook. Quarterly reports are due to Barony, Provincial or Principality Exchequers by
- First Quarter (1 January - 31 March) 15 April
- Second Quarter (1 April - 30 June) 15 July
- Third Quarter (1 July - 30 September) 15 October
- Fourth Quarter (1 October - 31 December) 15 January next year. This report is also the year-end "Doomsday" Report.
- Shires, Baronies, Provinces and Principalities with subordinate groups will file quarterly reports with the Kingdom Exchequer by
- First Quarter (1 January - 31 March) 25 April
- Second Quarter (1 April - 30 June) 25 July
- Third Quarter (1 July - 30 September) 25 October
- Fourth Quarter (1 October - 31 December) 25 January next year. This report is also the year-end "Doomsday" Report.
- Affiliate organisations or organisations that have a registered SCA-like organisation (e.g. Aarnimetsa, Nordmark, Polderslot) shall provide a courtesy copy of their annual accounts once approved by their members.
- Groups that don't fall under I.3, I.4 or I.5 above will submit reports according to the schedule in I.4.
- The only time a "negative report" will be submitted is if the group has held no money during the year and had no activities that generated income or expenses during the year. Simply put, they have nothing to report.
- Affiliate organisations shall, as a minimum, provide event reports for Kingdom events held by branches within the affiliate organisation.
- Principality/Baronial/Provincial Exchequers shall warrant subsidiary branch Exchequers and collect the Doomsday Reports in the Principality/Barony/Province for compilation and submission to the Kingdom Exchequer. S/he will discuss any financial problems with the branch Seneschal and his/her superior officer.
- The Kingdom Exchequer shall send reports to the Society Chancellor of the Exchequer on a quarterly basis as published in Society Financial Policy. Copies of the reports will be sent to the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal. These reports will be based on the monies held within the Kingdom accounts only, and will be in the currency of the country where the account is held (e.g. GBP or Euros). A summary of the Domesday Report of the Kingdom will be sent to the Chronicler for publication in the Dragon's Tale.
J. Kingdom Travel Fund
- The Kingdom travel fund is for the express purpose of offsetting expenses for the King and Queen. It is not for the travel of any retainers, household members, or associates. The travel fund will support the Crown with a maximum of € 1000 (Euros) each reign for travel expenses within the kingdom. Reimbursable travel expenses are deemed to be airfare, fuel expenses, train fare, and ferry costs for events outside their local event region of the kingdom. The regions of the kingdom for local events are specified in section IV.B of the Kingdom Seneschal's Policies.
- Only 50% of the total travel expenses for a given event will be reimbursed, up to the maximum for the reign. Expenses will only be reimbursed upon presentation of original receipts or scans or those receipts provided by email. The exception to this 50% claim shall be for travel within Drachenwald but to a different continent (e.g. from Central Europe to Adamastor), where 75% of the travel expenses may be claimed.
- Contributions to the travel fund for a specific reign can be made to increase the €1000 limit. In this case, the maximum allowance will be raised by 50% of donations for that specific Crown. This additional allowance can begin when new Heirs have been named but contributions must be marked for the Crowns or Heirs by name. Unmarked contributions are assumed to be for the general Travel Fund. Any unused portions of money collected will be returned to the general travel fund for future reigns. Each Crown is expected to make every effort to perpetuate the travel fund through contributions and/or fundraisers.
- All receipts must be presented for reimbursement within 120 days of the end of the reign for which the reimbursement is applicable.
K. Regalia
- Regalia are loaned to the current Royalty for the duration of each Reign.
- It is the duty of the current Royalty to ensure that they have sufficient household insurance for valuable items of regalia (e.g. crowns).
- Any persons maintaining pieces of regalia or other Kingdom property shall be responsible for the items in their possession. In the event of damage to or loss of the items, the person responsible for the damage or loss must reimburse the Kingdom at replacement cost, or provide a replacement of like kind and quality.
- This reimbursement/replacement requirement does not apply to damage due to normal usage.
L. Regional Deputies
- The Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer will have a deputy in each region.
- Duties - Each Regional Deputy is responsible for receiving and reviewing copies of all event reports and all quarterly reports from branches within their region. The Regional Deputy will review the mid-year reports and help branch Chancellors of the Exchequer to resolve any errors. The Regional Deputy will conduct audits of local branch records at the request of the Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer.
- Selection - The Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer will announce vacant Regional Deputy position in Dragon’s Tale with a request for interested individuals from that region to submit resumes. Resumes are to be sent to the Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer, accompanied by proof of SCA membership and photo ID. Deputies must be 18 years of age or older.