Greetings to the good people of Drachenwald.
As some of you may be aware; over the last ten years there have been some very long legal issues happening at a corporate level. Recently, these court proceedings have finally been settled, which now leaves SCA Inc with a debt of approximately $840,000 which must be settled in the next 45 days, else they will have to go back to court and run the risk of being liable for the $7million claim of the original law suit.
In order to cover this huge debt, SCA Inc is asking for each US based kingdom to pay 18% of their cash assets to SCA Inc (that’s 18% of each Kingdom account and each local group account.). The kingdoms will get back some (may be all) of this, if the second insurance company is deemed liable at the May court case against them.
To date they have decided that international groups such as Drachenwald do NOT have to make a contribution.
Following a discussion of the Drachenwald financial committee (Exchequer, Seneschal, King and Queen), we have decided that Drachenwald as a Kingdom should make a voluntary contribution of £2500 (just over 18% of the money held in the Kingdom account). We feel this is important because we do not want to see the SCA Inc going bankrupt, which would destroy our ability to engage in the hobby we all love. After discussion we believe Drachenwald can, and should, afford to do this.
For those that are interested there is official information and more details available on the SCA Inc web site at
If you have any questions feel free to contact myself, their Royal Majesties or the Kingdom Exchequer. Full information is currently being spread to the regional seneschals, exchequers and local royalty who should soon also be able to help answer your questions.
Duarte Goncalves
Kingdom Seneschal