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Roster of the Royal Navy

This page lists all current commissions in the regular navy, and all Letters of Marque issued by Drachenwald. Please send any corrections to the Clerk of the Crowns Ships <>.
Commissions in the regular navy
The roster of currently active officers in the regular navy includes the name of the officer, their command, and the month of original commission and its most recent renewal.

  • Pietari Uv (Mastogloia Sea), commissioned October 2003, renewed February 2016
  • Arianwen ferch Arthur (6th Fleet), commissioned January 2004, renewed November 2016
  • Þora Sumarliðadóttir (the open Seas north of the Arctic Circle), commissioned December 2016

Letters of Marque
The roster of Letters of Marque includes the name of the recipient of the letter, their ship, and the year the letter was issued.

  • Pietari Uv (Aarnimetsän Ancka), 1993
  • Amalthea Mandragoria (Titans Wrath), 2003
  • Acarin Saint-Cyr (Antelope), 2004
  • Njall the Mercenary (Venus), 2004
  • Maia de la Valette (Falcon), 2005
  • Barony of Aarnimetsä (A fleet suitable for fulfilling the oath of fealty), 2007