Society royalty recognise those volunteers who contribute to the group with awards and honours.
In Drachenwald we generate orginal artwork for each award. The documents that commemorate these awards, ‘scrolls’, are individually written and painted by hand, in the distinctive styles of the days (mostly) before the European printing press.
The Signet Clerk coordinates the volunteer artists, scriveners, gilders and artisans to commission this art, based on requests from the royalty.
Collectively the artists are called ‘scribes’. Scribes keep their assignments confidential until the Crown, Coronet or baron and baroness have presented them.
Advice for scribes in Drachenwald
- Kingdom scribal standards outline the materials we use to make scrolls - good for active scribes
- Scribal materials handout by Mistress Bridget Greywolf with details about brands available, good for novices
- Scroll layout and design handout by Mistress Bridget Greywolf
- Getting started handout by Mistress Bridget Greywolf about good working practices as a scribe
- Some basic texts and text building methods by Countess Honor of Restormel, to help answer the question, ‘But what do I write?’ A great tool for starting scroll wordings, especially if English is your second, third or Nth language.
- Sample scroll texts from medieval sources (in progress)
- The imperfect treaty of Making Wax Seals for documents booklet by Master Haakon Pikinokka
Social media
Signet Points of Contact
Kingdom of Drachenwald
- Drachenwald
Ragnell Caxtone (Åsa Hestner Blomqvist ) (She/Her)
Principality and Baronial Contacts
- Nordmark
Agnes Odygd
(Agnes Edgren)
- Insulae Draconis
Arianhwy Wen/Aria Gemina Mala/Ari Mala
- Knights Crossing
Ellisa von Berenklaw
(Angela Nelk)
- Aarnimetsä
Joanne am Rein