Heralds in the Middle Ages were experts in chivalry, tournaments, coats-of-arms and the technicalities of war. Heralds in the Society enjoy communicating tournament combat, court ceremony, and the specifics of historical names and coats-of-arms. Some heralds specialise and build expertise, while others thrive being generalists.

Heralds bring pageantry to the Society: we help make a modern experience turn into a near-medieval one. We do this in several ways.

Learn about heraldry

Welcome to Drachenwald

Court and protocol

Court Reporting

Learning and commenting on heraldry in Drachenwald: tools and documents

Society-wide College of Arms

Herald Points of Contact

Kingdom of Drachenwald

Drachenwald Schwarzdrachen Herald (Drachenwald Kingdom Herald)
Memorantia van de Linde Memorantia van de Linde (Maria Laine) (She/Her)
Email: herald@drachenwald.sca.org

Drachenwald Aurochs Herald (Deputy to Schwarzdrachen)
Birittha Wf (She/Her)
Email: herald@drachenwald.sca.org

Drachenwald Albion Herald (External submissions)
Anna de Byxe
Email: albion@drachenwald.sca.org

Drachenwald Edelweiss Herald (Internal submissions, deputy to Albion)
Seijka Waldemarsdotter (She/Her)
Email: edelweiss@drachenwald.sca.org

Drachenwald Post Horn Herald (Order of Precedence)
Aryanhwy merch Catmael (She/Her)
Email: posthorn@drachenwald.sca.org

Principality and Baronial Contacts

Beatrix de Lyme Regis (Barbro Bornsäter) (She/Her)
Email: herald@nordmark.org

Insulae Draconis
Shirin Perot-duxt (Sarah Brider) (Any)
Email: herald@insulaedraconis.org

Knights Crossing
Dominic Beniamin (Bernard Dominic Anlage IV)
Email: bernard.anlage@gmail.com

Magdalen Yrjänäntytär
Email: herald@aarnimetsa.org

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