Alex Of Derlington - How To Make KnightShop Helms SCA Compliant
[The] Dawn Company's YouTube channel on 2022-7-26
Viscount Yannick Demonstrates Budget Electro Etching
[The] Dawn Company's YouTube channel on 2022-7-26
Casa Derlington - Armour Day Mar 2022
[The] Dawn Company's YouTube channel on 2022-7-26
Agnes Introduction To Armour
[The] Dawn Company's YouTube channel on 2022-7-26
Hawthorn Ink
Orlaith Chaomhanach on 2022-7-25
I was all excited when I discovered hawthorn Ink was made in period thinking it was possibly the berries I’d need to use. When I looked it up I actually remembered that I had seen it before and had registered too late, then as now, that the ink is read moreSword Fighter's Simple Shoulder Exercises with Duke Vitus
Avery's Youtube Channel on 2022-7-24
Lord Alexander Of Longriston - How To Lamellar
[The] Dawn Company's YouTube channel on 2022-7-22
KU2020 AoD ArtKnees Part 8 of 8
[The] Dawn Company's YouTube channel on 2022-7-22
KU2020 AoD ArtKnees Part 7 of 8
[The] Dawn Company's YouTube channel on 2022-7-22
KU2020 AoD ArtKnees Part 5 of 8
[The] Dawn Company's YouTube channel on 2022-7-22
KU2020 AoD ArtKnees Part 3 of 8
[The] Dawn Company's YouTube channel on 2022-7-22
Agnes Boncuer - Where Are The Other Women Knights
[The] Dawn Company's YouTube channel on 2022-7-22
Earl Paul - Fighting Left [Sneaky, dastardly lefty tricks and how to fight them]
[The] Dawn Company's YouTube channel on 2022-7-22
Rekryteringskampanj under Medeltidsveckan
Nordmark Blog on 2022-7-21
Furstendömet Nordmark planerar för ett rekryteringskampanj under MTV i år. Vi söker nu frivilliga som vill vara med och jobba under veckan, framför allt söndag, torsdag och söndag 11 – 19. Meddela till Vi vill också ha read moreFennel in Bartolomeo Scappi
Orlaith Chaomhanach on 2022-7-19

ArnRally #2 – Ulvberget upprepar pandemisuccén!
Ulvberget Blog on 2022-7-18
Under pandemin arrangerade Ulvberget Den Kända Väldens första Arn-Rally och det var mycket uppskattat. Lördagen den 20 augusti 2022 upprepar vi succén. En klassisk lördagsunderhållning – bilrally i det fagra Skaraborg! Likt varje hembygdsförening på read moreAugust Dragon’s Tale has been published
Drachenwald Blog on 2022-7-15
Greetings good people of Drachenwald! The Chronicler has published a new Dragon’s Tale for your enjoyment. This links directly to the current newsletter (.pdf), and does not need a password. If this doesn’t work you can follow this link to the read moreMeet Vanna E Dawburn
Drachenwald Pelicans on 2022-7-12
Full nameMistress Vanna Edwinsdochter Dawburn, Duchess Drachenwald. AboutI found a pamphlet about the SCA at the local tourist office in Skara in 1989. It sounded like fun, so I joined, and have stayed since. I started out in Ulvberget (Skaraborg) read moreDrachenwald på Discord
Nordmark Blog on 2022-7-11
Det finns nu en Discord-server för Drachenwald.Så gå med du också och få kontakt och diskutera allsköns saker med en massa SCAiter! Vad är då Discord?Jo, det är en kommunikationsplattform där man kan prata med varandra, med text, video eller Läs read moreAdventures in castle camping and camp cooking
Orlaith Chaomhanach on 2022-7-2
Art and I recently (June bank holiday weekend) went along to Strawberry Raid at Sigginstown Castle, Tacumshane Co. Wexford, hosted by Liz and Gordon – who are doing the incredible work at the castle itself (and Dun in Mara generally) – and Agnes read more
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