This is Drachenwald is a view into the activity of the people who make up Drachenwald. These are new people as well as longstanding participants. People are active in a wide variety of topics, formats and languages. If you want to be included, the rules are that you need an RSS feed of SCA relevant content and you need to reside in Drachenwald. You can find more information in this blogpost. If you want your feed added fill out a request here or contact webminister @
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Feast Planning During Plague Year, Part 5 (7 Sep 2022)
An American Reenactor Abroad on 2022-9-7
Menu planning read/watch moreWeaving Diary: Three shaft twill (Day 10)
Lia's Continued Crafts on 2022-9-5

Weaving Diary: Three shaft twill (Day 7, 8 & 9)
Lia's Continued Crafts on 2022-8-31

Weaving Diary: Three shaft twill (Day 6)
Lia's Continued Crafts on 2022-8-28

My Visby shopping haul
The lazy reenactor girl on 2022-8-22

Intervju – ordförande: Una Björnsdóttir
Nordmark Blog on 2022-8-21
– Vem är du och hur hittade du till SCA? Jag heter Ulrica Hermansson och är Enhetschef på ögonmottagningen i Östersund. I botten är jag sjuksköterska för att jag egentligen inte vågade satsa på min dröm om att bli read/watch moreSymöten hösten 2022 finns nu på kalendern
Aros on 2022-8-20
Nu när hösten snart är här är det dags att skriva in symöten i kalendern! De kommer ske lördagar jämn vecka denna höst, och börjar kl 13 om inget annat anges. Välkomna till en kreativ och produktiv höst av sömnad och hantverk! read/watch moreMedievalweek in Visby
Marlein - a 16th century wardrobe on 2022-8-16

Thor - The God of thunder
Agnes Edgren's Youtube Channel on 2022-8-15
September Dragon’s Tale has been published
Drachenwald Blog on 2022-8-15
Greetings good people of Drachenwald! The Chronicler has published a new Dragon’s Tale for your enjoyment. This links directly to the current newsletter (.pdf), and does not need a password. If this doesn’t work you can follow this link to the read/watch moreThree recipes for Buckthorn Ink and one attempt
Orlaith Chaomhanach on 2022-8-11

Nordmark på Medeltidsveckan
Nordmark Blog on 2022-8-7
Så är årets Medeltidsvecka igång! Som en nyhet kommer Nordmark att detta år stå med vid ett stånd vid Paviljongsplan (I början av själva marknadsdelen, efter mattorget). Vi finns där söndag 7/8 och torsdag 11/8 samt eventuellt 14/8. Vi hoppas Läs read/watch moreFörsta aktiviteten för hösten schemalagd!
Aros on 2022-8-3
Efter Medeltidsveckan försöker alla lokalgrupper i Nordmark ha en träff för nybörjare av lite enklare slag. I Aros bjuder vi in till hantverk och knytis den 11 september. Läs mer i evenemangsannonsen här på hemsidan: read/watch moreHairnet with embroidery inspired by Katharina von Bora
Marlein - a 16th century wardrobe on 2022-8-2

Intervju – präntare: Agnes Odygd
Nordmark Blog on 2022-7-31
– Vem är du och hur hittade du till SCA? Jag heter Agnes och började som aktiv medlem i Styringheim nån gång runt 2001, men har nu sen många år varit bosatt i Aros/Löghammar. Jag hittade till föreningen genom vänner Läs mer… Inlägget Intervju – read/watch moreSummer adventures
Handcrafted History on 2022-7-31
Hi there! If you know me, you know I am travelling and living my medieval/viking adventure life right now, and both blog and social media conversations are running low. If you are new- welcome here! I will not leave you … Continue reading → read/watch moreGetting ready for more ink making
Orlaith Chaomhanach on 2022-7-28

I can't teach
Magdalena's kitchen on 2022-7-27
This is a phrase that I think many of us have said to or about ourselves and I think I have had an epiphany about it, much in the same way I had one about 'I can't art'.First what is teaching? What is the first thing that pops into your head? read/watch morePA Practice 09Feb2022
[The] Dawn Company's YouTube channel on 2022-7-26
Jan van Nyenrode - How To Make A Gambeson
[The] Dawn Company's YouTube channel on 2022-7-26
Would you like to read some more? Visit the blogs of all our contributors:- Close Fighting
- Huys Uylenburgh
- Flintheath A&S
- The lazy reenactor girl
- Orlaith Chaomhanach
- Handcrafted History
- 16th Century Stitches
- Aros
- Scriptura et Pictura
- An Everyday Italian
- Renikas anachronistic adventures
- Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources
- Anna Syveken
- Magdalena's kitchen
- Eva's historical costuming blog
- An American Reenactor Abroad
- Marlein - a 16th century wardrobe
- Stringcrafter
- Yda v Boulogne's flickr feed
- Rick Williams' flickr feed
- Gesta Nicholai
- Kareina's observations
- Shire of Trivium
- Avery's Youtube Channel
- Drachenwald Youtube Channel
- Alexander of Derlington's Youtube Channel
- Knights Crossing
- Drachenwald Blog
- A Viking in Ireland
- Anneleyn Cornelisse's Youtube Channel
- Ranulf li Norreis's Youtube Channel
- [The] Dawn Company's YouTube channel
- Wolfram von Falkenstein and Alessandra di Riario's Youtube Channel
- Agnes Edgren's Youtube Channel
- The Drachenwald Decameron
- Alexandre Davinge's Youtube Channel
- Medieval Cookery with Arpad
- Knots in a net – Solmuja verkossa
- Summer Coronation 2021 News
- The Irish Ages
- Drachenwald Arts Challenge
- Jahanara's Weaving & Research
- Drachenwald Pelicans
- The Theatre Guild
- Nordmark Blog
- Holmrike Blog
- Ava's Corner
- Ulvberget Blog
- Nuncheon - Adventures in Medieval Cooking
- Thomas' Skill At Arms
- Lia's Continued Crafts
The original blog owners are responsible for the content in this feed. Contact the blog owner with any questions about their content. This page was last updated at 2022-09-07 19:13 UTC