Four New Peers at Double Wars
No less than four new Peers were recently created at Double Wars, in Attemark in the Principality of Nordmark. On Thursday the 10th of May AS LIII, Sir Morales and Sir Ludvig were elevated to the Chivalry, and on Friday the 11th, Mistress Vanna and Master Edricus were made members of the Order of the Pelican.
Master Richard the Rampant
At the Crown Tournament held at Ingestre Hall in the Shire of Depedene-under-Wychwood, in Insulae Draconis, their Majesties Lief and Morrigan managed to surprise the Event Steward, Richard Cockshanks, called the Rampant, by offering him elevation to the Order of the Pelican. After due consideration during an overnight vigil, he accepted their offer and was duly elevated.
Drachenwald Has Heirs
Lady Agnes des Illes writes:
Rejoice, Drachenwald!
At Spring Crown Tournament, held at Ingestre Manor, Depedene-Under-Wychwood, Insulae Draconis, on the 7th day of April, Duke Vitus Polonius and Countess Isabel Peregrinus were crowned victorious by Their Majesties Lief and Morrigan.
Thirteen couples competed in the tourney, the format of which was Round Robin, best of three. The prowess of the two finalists was such that no semi-finals were held.
Drachenwald Has Heirs
In the Crown Tournament in Aarnimetsä's Canton of Poukka, Duke Lief Wolfssonne and Duchess Morrigan nicTemair were victorious! They will be crowned at 12th Night Coronation in Ad Flumen Caerulum, January 5th-7th.
The Royal Drachenwald Navy, established during the reign of Elffin I and Vanna I, offers several career opportunities for mariners loyal to Their Draconic Majesties.
Known World Dance and Music Symposium Comes to Drachenwald
The Ancient Barony of Knights Crossing is pleased to announce that it shall be hosting the eleventh Known World Dance and Music Symposium from April 15-19, 2015. The magnificent 14th century city hall of the town of Miltenberg am Main (Germany) - the site of previous coronations, Academie della Danza, and Gardens of Earthly Delights - shall once more be welcoming guests from across the world to enjoy in dancing, music and revelry as has never before been seen in our great kingdom!
Society Chirurgeonate Request for Comments - UPDATED FAQ now available
On January 18, 2014, the SCA Board of Directors began seeking commentary on a proposal to eliminate the official Office of the Chirurgeonate, and the associated changes to Corpora necessary to accomplish this action. This announcement can be found in its entirety at
SCA, Inc. Seeking Commentary On a Proposal to Eliminate the Office of the Chirurgeonate.
The SCA Board of Directors seeks commentary on a proposal to eliminate the official Office of the Chirurgeonate, and the associated changes to Corpora necessary to accomplish this action.
Read more at: Read more
Fifty Years of the SCA
It hardly seems possible, but in 2016, the SCA will be fifty, yes, fifty years old! A celebration is already being planned, which will take place in Danville, Indiana.
The stewards of the celebration have requested help from the populace to determine what people feel is important to include in said celebration, and have asked that people assist by completing a survey. Further details can be found here